Galini Breeze accommodates groups from 4 up to 12 guests. Ideal for a wedding, friends-trip or family reunion: the whole resort exclusively for your private use!
As of season 2022, we offer the self-catered villa (with 2 units for 2) and/or the four studios (for 2), for exclusive group travel rental. All units have uninterrupted sea view, and the venue features 2 heated swimming pools and a common lounge with open plan kitchen / dinner space for 12.
The group may use the open plan kitchen and BBQ, and gather together as a group for unforgettable moments at the pool. Or guests can have breakfast and dinner at their private studio terrace, if they like.
Hence, we offer optimal flexibility to combine privacy with group experience because each couple in a group has their private living space with kitchenette, sea view terrace and roof-deck, while the lay-out of the main pool area is ideal for common dinners and evening gatherings. This is in particular a positive asset of our place, compared to big one-volume villas.
Note: mnimum age for Villa rental is 21+; for Whole Resort rental this is 12 years (this is related to safety requirements regarding the pools).
Of course, we can arrange transfers, excursions, special events and anything else needed to make your group holiday a success.
Please contact us for a tailor-made offer!
Telephone: +31655746523
General terms for group bookings in Galini Breeze:
Occupation: max. 12 persons.
Minimum booking: 5 nights.
Minimum age: 12 yr. No cods or extra (child) beds possible.
Rate per night: EUR 850,– (end cleaning included); 10% discount from 1 week stay.
Optional intermediate cleaning during stay: 250EUR
No smoking in the studio/villa and their terraces; smoking is allowed in the pool bar area only.
No pets allowed.
VAT and taxes included in these rates.